Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Pet Peeve

When browsing FB status updates during the entirety of my 8am class (whoops), I often come across posts which really bother me a bit more than they should.

We have the poster who apparently deserves a Gold Star for completing an "awesome workout!" or who "just got home from lifting/running ___ miles/spending forever at the gym." Dear poster, if you are indeed a regular gym goer, this is something which you do nearly every day NO MATTER WHAT, like sleeping or eating or showering. Do you see me posting every time I shower? No (although I'm sure some people do). And if you are a regular gym goer reading said status, I'm not going to congratulate you, but meet you with a..."and...?" GOLD STAR.

These posts are undoubtedly posted to get a reaction from non/rare gym-goers, who are just going to feel jealous or lazy after reading it (unless you truly are a good soul who is happy for everyone). So really, what's the point of posting that at all? Just be happy internally that you went...your efforts will show if you really stick with it. Now, if you end up doing something really freakin' awesome and out of the ordinary, like finishing the Tough Mudder (which seems like straight-up suicide), by all means tell me. You are just the balls.

Another posting pet peeve is when people write their entire schedules. Dear poster, facebook is not a place to keep track of your life/to do list. Are you trying to make it easy for stalkers?

I know facebook is a place for personal expression and free speech blah blah, but does it have to be so...boring?

At least give me a funny movie quote or a silly youtube video or a quirky comment about something that happened ("someone didn't hold the door for me, I hope he craps his pants, jerk").

Last pet peeve, then I'm done my bitchin'...

Anyone who knows me knows that I'm not the biggest fan of human kids. Goat kids, yes, Sometimes I'll admit that they're cute, and I don't mind the calm and quiet ones, but I usually don't really care to hear about every single detail of their upbringing. All of the posts about bringing sick children to the doctor, or how they pooped their pants in Walmart, or how they just threw a spoon full of pudding at the wall just makes me happy that I never got preggo (knock on wood). Thank you for the reminder.

Alright, I'm done being cynical. I really do love's a constant source of entertainment. The number of times I click "refresh" on the recent updates newsfeed should be a crime. I just happen to be a FB status snob, and I'm okay with it.

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