Thursday, April 7, 2011

Beetle in my water

I had the unfortunate experience of nearly swallowing a beetle today. For some reason, the landlords of my complex like to redo the paneling on only one side of the unit (guess which one? could it be the one facing the street that everyone sees? nooo...I'm not bitter) and because of the very old wood, tons and tons of these little black and red beetles have invaded and made my home their home.

Now just because I'm nearly a 1/2 vet doesn't mean that I have to love these beetles or serve them tea or set them up in the guest room. I try my best not to kill them (there's no humane beetle euthanasia), but its definitely a little bit gross to see them climbing all over my desk and trying out mating rituals on each other. And it's even more gross when you take a swig of your seemingly innocent water and feel an ominous "something" inside your mouth.

Nothing gives me the heeby jeebies more than having bugs anywhere near any orifice. Ever since my younger years when my dad freaked me out with stories of earwigs crawling through your ear and into your brain, I just can't handle this kind of stuff. Ask me to put my arm you-know-where in a cow or get cozy with a thermometer and the back end of a dog and it's a piece of cake, but bugs in the mouth...NOT okay. I'm tempted to pull a Godfather-esque prank on the landlord and dump a whole ton of these beetles in their bed in an attempt to get them to fix my paneling.

In other less disturbing news, Jesus has been resurrected and he comes to my gym. AND... he really likes talking on the cellphone and walking at an extremely slow pace for about 2 hours while everyone else around him sweats. His hair is perfect...he wears it down every day. It's got just the right amount of waviness and its sort of glow-y and blondish brown, and he has a very angelic face. He probably uses no product whatsoever and just jumps right out of shower looking like he just came from a salon. Jerk. Being the lord's son has its perks. I have no idea what he talks about on the phone for so long, or why he bothers coming to the gym when he never actually DOES anything, but its amusing to watch him nonetheless.

There's another beetle crawling across my screen right now and its extremely distracting. With that, its time to get back to studying. Good night fellow bloggers...


  1. "but its definitely a little bit gross to see them climbing all over my desk and trying out mating rituals on each other."

    hahahaha I love this blog. It makes me laugh.

  2. heheh why thank you. damn those beetles
